A warm and zesty winter salad high in fibre, antioxidants and liver supporting foods.
Vegan | Easy | Prep time 10 minutes | Total cooking time 30 minutes
x2 Blood oranges (cut into small chunks)
x2 Fennel bulbs (cut into small chunks)
Brown lentils (I used Merchant Gourmet pre made pack for ease but you can also use tinned or dried)
A few large handfuls of rocket
A handful of marinated chargrilled artichokes
Extra Virgin olive oil (EVOO)
Salt and pepper to season
Preheat oven to 180 degrees.
Chop the fennel bulbs into small chunks
Place the chunks of fennel on a baking tray and cover in EVOO, salt and pepper. Pop in the oven and roast for approximately 30 minutes
Meanwhile add some rocket to the bowls
If you have cooked your lentils from scratch then they have should have been cooked around the same time as the fennels. I cheated and used a pre made pack of lentils by Merchant Gourmet. This is something I do occasionally when I am limited on time. Scatter the lentils over the rocket
Chop the blood oranges into small chunks (similar size to the fennel). Scatter over the rocket and lentils.
Add the artichokes
Once the fennel is cooked, take out the oven and add to the bowls
Feel free to season with more salt, pepper and EVOO
Enjoy :)
The liver is one of the body’s most important organs. It has many functions, and one of them is maintaining hormone balance. It regulates, metabolises and detoxifies various hormones so that they can carry out their roles efficiently.
Functions include:
Regulating the levels of sex hormone and eliminating excess hormones
Producing bile to break down fat and eliminate fat-soluble toxins and excess substances
Creating specific proteins that perform as hormone carriers
Producing testosterone and the oestrogen
Food based nutrients play a role in the modulation in the liver's metabolic pathways to assist with detoxifications process. They include some of the following :
High quality protein: animal or plant
Fresh clean water
Cruciferous vegetables: kale, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, rocket, Brussel sprouts
Sulphur containing foods: onions, garlic etc
Herbs: rosemary, curcumin from turmeric, ginger, coriander, dandelion greens, parsley, lemon peel
Citrus fruit
Soy: tofu, tempeh, miso
Olive oil
Green tea
Other specific nutrients include:
Amino acids: glycine, taurine. glutamine, NAC, Cysteine, methionine
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin E
Folic Acid